
  • In this page our discussion about smartphones

    How do we use our smartphones?

    Go to the Tricider link, add an argument and give your vote!

    we wached the video and wrote our comments

    Our comments to this video (Forum) : 


     Smartphones are useful, but you have to control your addiction to it and not over use it.

    Smartphones are useful, but teenagers  haven't limits!!!

    Using my phone can be easy for me to contact with my friends, but it attaches me from my homework. I think that it can be possible to live without it for a few hours!!

    We use smartphone but not so much, mainly for games and facebook .. 

    I use my phone everyday, but i believe that i can live  without my smartphone!!

    Me and my friend Christos use all the time the smartphone.I am not sure that we can live with out our smartphones because we use all day facebook,youtube,instagram and more apps.And our live must be very  weird without our phones.

    I believe that smartphones are important for teenagers' safety but they use it a lot!!!

    According to general opinion, smartphones appear to be very helpful and useful because they bring people together. On the contrary, although we find cellphones an alternative to talking with friends,relatives and other people who may live abroad we consider it to be a waste of time and we don't have a face-to-face communication with these people.

    Although i use my phone all day ,i think that smartphones are very disturbing and affects our lives!!!

    I use my smartphone in my free time, I think that we waste most of our time front of a screen !!!

    How  can girls live without her smastphones for 48 hours?. It's too hard someone live without Internet or phone.So everybody use Smartphone.As concern me, i can't live without my Smartphone!!

    I believe that it's very difficult to live without my mobile phone because I spend much time taking photos,listening to music and surfing on the Internet.

    More opinions, comments on this article  (Forum)

    I don't think that schools should ban the use of mobile phones, but I sure agree that it's distracting and it might take the 25 minutes to regain the level of focus you had before you were distracted because of your phone. Instead of banning, schools should do things like this and teach students about the dangers of mobilephone-addiction. // Wilmer and Brian

    I agree the phone is a distraction to the students and it should be banned atleast in the lessons you have.

    i agree that cellphones are distracting and taking them away during lessons might be good but they have their pros too, like you can contact friends and family much easier, you can listen to music during the buss ride home or to school etc etc.

    I think phones are good tools and can be used to make your every day life much esier. But i dont see any reason why students would need their phones during lessons, you can use them on the brakes.

    Johanna & Deborah: We agree that our phones distract us from doing our homeworks for example. The scary thing is that we don´t even realise how addicted we are to them. We think that we should ban the phones from the classrooms so we can be more focused on the importent tasks. Maybe in the begining the student will be upset and more unfocused but in the long term it will work.

    they are disturbing

    I dont think that you should ban phones because it does npt only have negative attributes. You can listen to music, and for a lot of people that helps them focus.

    Using my phone on the evenings don't make me go to bed later. But it's a very big distracting in school for me because I use my phone at least 6 hours a day. I don't think that schools should ban the use of mobile phones, but I only saying that because I have a mobilephone-addicition, I must have my phone behind me otherwise I get like panic. //Julia & Johanna


    Instead of banning the mobile phones, you could offer the students to use the app Forest: Stay focused. It's an app where you plant a tree as long as you don't use the phone. If you start your phone before the deadline, your tree dies. When you have planted a couple of trees, the organisation plants a real tree in Africa.

    I think smartphones are useful but we shouldn't over do it. Banning phones from school is not the answer, becauce students can use them after school all the time, too. I think parents and teachers should just advice them.

    We agree with the article but our opinion is that smartphones may be allowed at schools and we think that they don't effect a lot the studients' degrees!!!

    I agree with the text.Smartphones is addiction for Teens  and Elders .They believe that they cannot live without theirs Phones.At school Smartphones distracts the attention of teenagers and this is bad for us.

    I don't think that smartphones should be banned from schools .. maybe we can create other applications as Wilma proposed.

    In our view, most students appear to be addicted to their phones and they seem that they can't cope without them as they feel that they are chained to their cellphones and want to keep track of everything that happens.As a consequence, they suffer from serious psychological deceases such as stress, sleeplessness, reduced concentration and face to face communication, disrupted sleep, icreased procrastination and increased fomo.

    I think phones are useful  because  we  comunicate with others peoples but are distracting  the studens during lessons so its better to don't pay attention to our phones. Wilma s application its a very good idea.