Citizen Science

  • Citizen Science

    Everyone can help
    What is Citizen Science?

    A scientific project in which citizens can actively collaborate with the supervision of researchers and scientific institutions.

    Why we can talk about Citizen Science today?

    web and mobile computing have changed everything : our smartphone is more powerful than the best computer of 40 years ago and we have in our pocket the computing power that we would have dreamed of in the last century.

    In which researcher sectors, Citizen Science is a protagonist?

    Surely in all the researches that deal with field analysis, observations in nature, ... in this sense Biology is the master ...

    Citizens contribution

    The contribution of volunteers, who participate in Citizen Science projects for the conservation of biodiversity, amounts to about 2.5 billion dollars / year

    Public participation is not just passive!

    Volunteer thinking: participants contribute by offering their skills in recognizing objects or analyzing data.

    Civic and community science: the project is proposed and led by groups of participants who identify a problem that concerns them

    The lab is outside

    The nature that surrounds us becomes the laboratory in which to operate.
    Teachers, universities, researchers become our collaborators.
    Three KEY WORDS: Explore. Learn and Record

    The full presentation