2017- 05 The influence of digitalisation on globalisation and vice versa

  • The topic of our last Erasmus+ gathering in Altötting was "Globalisation? Digiglobalisation? The influence of digitalisation on globalisation and vice versa, and the impact of both on democracy, the world, Europe and the individual." Generally, this was considered as a very difficult topic because it is such a broad and abstract phenomena in today´s world. It influences our lives in several ways every day, and partly it explains why the world of 2017 is the world it is today.

    Our second task was to interview and report the other groups´ work during this week. We did this by using different social media platforms, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. The results can be seen on their individual pages.

    We decided to address this topic by interviewing people. Since the question is quite difficult, we decided to cut it up into more concrete questions about their everyday lives. We interviewed people of different ages and gender, and got many new perspectives to it. To summarise, the most common answers were that digitalisation has most definitely speeded up globalisation, and without it it wouldn´t even be possible in a form we see it today.

    We also asked what would happen, if people didn´t have internet in their lives anymore. Most people said that since they couldn´t contact people through social media anymore, they would be more social in real life. Surprisingly many said that it would be a positive thing. But on the other hand, finding information would be a lot slower and harder. Technology has made our lives easier and more hectic. Like the interviews proved, everyone can have their own opinion about whether this is a positive or negative thing.