The green.if.i. project
The green.if.i. map
Our schools
Our environmental problems
The green.if.i. logo
The green.if.i. project song
Our travelling globe and plant
The green.if.i. game
The green.if.i communication tools
Online meetings: Communication in times of corona
green.if.i. and the 2030 SDG
The green.if.i. links
The green.if.i. teams in each school - our mascots
Summit 1: Take action!
Take action: Our pictures on the different project topics
Green actions at our schools
Visiting a training centre for nature
Dokano - sailing for clean water/plogging
Workshops related to climate change
Building airpipes to measure the air quality
Taking action in times of corona
Summit 2: Climate change, forests and environment
Participating in the Urbaner Waldgarten project
Contributing to the reforestation of the Kaufungen forest
Participating in workshops related to sustainability
Taking part in a Fridays for the future demonstration.
Bringing seeds for our lettuce container
Presentations of damage in forests
Summit 3: Waste and climate change
Summit 4: Pollution and climate change
Summit 5: Biological agriculture and climate change
Summit 6: Water and climate change
Our project campaigns
Project impact
Post summit evaluations
Dissemination: Beginning of the project
Dissemination: other
Dissemination: Summit 1 Take Action
Dissemination: Summit 2 Forests and environment
Tasks from our students
Students' portfolio (INS Antoni Pous)
Tasks from CSS Snina
Tasks from our students