day 4 - preparing the performance

  • day 4: Preparing the performance

    (Thursday, 5th of May 2022)

    Thursday was already the last day of our meeting for most of the partner schools. So we were busy working on our play again. Everything had to be prepared in a way that the theatre groups at home could use the small period of 10 days for rehearsals and local refinements. Only 10 days and - the performance itself was going to take place!

    While the newspaper group reported about the activities of Wednesday, the theatre group started with theatre games again, then worked on the scenes we had improved together on Tuesday.


     theatre game "Evolution": Greek-Croation interaction                Zisis (Greece), Flavia (Italy), Kalina (Slovenia) together on stage

    a new version of the French national scene: Victor Hugo (middle)  and Rodin's penseur (right) have a new text now


            the Italian students group during coffee break                                 the Erasmus corner at the entrance tells about our meeting         

    In the afternoon we had a vocal and body-percussion training. Christiana and Silvia, music teachers of the hosting school, had prepared it together with the "Grace notes", the youngsters among the schools' music groups, whom we already had met on the opening ceremony on Monday.


    The musicians made our group sing and move. Here are some video impressions.

    The singing activity ended with a medley of songs for peace and friendship - songs we felt would be a good sign in these special times.

    C3 - peace song, Shalom-quodlibet.pdf

    "Keep on moving!" - As we already had started moving, we couldn't stop - and we began dancing again with the Greek dance Sirtaki which we had learned on Tuesday evening.


    Click HERE to read more about the LAST DAY of our meeting