day 1 - becoming an international team

  • day 1: Growing together as international teams

    (Monday, 2nd of May 2022)

    We started our first day having breakfast together and had some first chats at nationally mixed tables.

    We found out more about each other in an ice breaking activity, called "HUMAN BINGO". Knud, Lena and Gesa, three students of the drama course in year 12, had created this game and carried it out with the international group of students from six countries. 

    C3 - HUMAN BINGO.pdf

    All students asked each other a lot of questions, found out about similar preferences and interests and learned each others' names. There was a lot of interaction!


    When time was over, we had three students, coming from different countries, who had five and more "Bingos". So, our little ice breaking activity ended with some small prices. Congratulation, Kalina, Jade, Flavia!

    We moved on to a first cultural activity in small international groups, built of students (and sometimes teachers) of all participating countries: the "EUROPEAN MOSAIC" - a collage.

    C3 - European mosaic.pdf

    The task was to draw a special topic with examples from each county, e.g. "philosophers and scientists", "food" , "nature and buildings", "sportsmen and -women" - but to decide about a symbol (e.g. a river) that connect the national parts in a way that the single contributions can be added to one bigger picture.

    Let's see what happened!


    The team "sportsmen and -women" chose the Olympic rings as their symbol.

    An airplane and a sky full of fluffy clouds connects the mosaic of the team "nature and buildings":


    The team "food" had the idea to connect their national dishes with a tablecloth:

    Every team worked very concentrated and effective on this collaborative activity.


    We ended up with a real caleidoscope of European culture! Well done, dear students!

    The first day together finished with ball games on the school yard, a small welcome ceremony, a lot of pizza (did you ever order 60 pizze at once?)  and some sunshine at the sea shore and lake Bant.

    "Grace notes", the youngsters of the hosting school, sang for the Erasmus students from six countries.


    Click HERE to read more about DAY 2 of our meeting