day 1 - rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing

  • day 1: Rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing

    (Saturday, 14th of May 2022)

    A day full of rehearsals, a day full of activity and international interaction! This was the beginning of our meeting



    "Spaghetti!!!" - the international group of "children and supervillains" warming up with Anke, the German drama teacher

    The international group of the "main characters" rehearsed their scenes together for the first time, while the "national groups" had the chance to work on the stage.

    In the afternoon these two parts were connected.

    Here the "children" (Knud GER, Francesca IT, Laure FR, Helena CRO and Mascha SLOV) are playing in the Italian scene

    The "supervillains", however, needed some extra thinking because their part was quite tricky. So we had another students team who worked on this task.

    Jade and Manuela from France and Ann and Vivienne from Germany solving the problem of the "supervillains" together

    Lunch in the cafeteria of the hosting school gave us new energy.


    mixed groups of hosts and guests in the school cafeteria

    New energy for working on our project... In this small movie the "main characters" are introduced to the Slovenian scene.

    Manja, the Slovenian teachers, lead the rehearsals of the Slovenian scene, introducing Niko (GR) and Manuela (FR)

    Another video shows how the "main characters" and the Italian team acted together on stage for the very first time.

    the "main characters" (Knud GER, Francesca IT and Nico GREECE) on stage together with the Italian team for the first time; Ann as "supervillain" Greatspeare still wears her costume from the national German scene as we were rehearsing many scenes at the same time :-)

    When the students were not on stage they met in the school yard, talked or played table football.

    Indispensable both during the rehearsals and at the performance were the French technique team who tirelessly fulfilled wishes according to sound and background projection and solved many problems. Merci mille fois, Alice et Mathis! Without you the performance wouldn't have reached its effect as it did.

    After many hours filled with work and expectation the first day of our meeting ended.


    Click HERE to read more about DAY 2 of our meeting