Time for fun


    Students from 2nd Kindergarten of Peristeri had a lot of fun with online games.


    Neslin Mindavallı Akdeniz Primary School

    I sent links to online games that we prepared with my colleagues for my students. With these games, they learned the numbers to be called in emergency situations, what should be in the earthquake bag, and what they can do to protect against earthquake.

    Yes, the game is the most enjoyable and effective learning tool.


    Students from 2nd Kindergarten of Perama really enjoyed playing all the games that teachers and students from partner school created.

    They loved them!!!

    keep playing and playing and playing...


    With the quiz from wordwall...

    Find the words from wordwall

    Memory game from learning apps...

    a mini game from Scratch


    Match game from wordwall

    Our collaborative online board game from Genially

    Put in the earthquake bag the right objects

    You find it...just say it!!!!


    The students from 22nd Kindergarten of Keratsini had a lot of fun not only when they mutually created the on-line games but also when they played them.

    Also, the students checked on work sheets all the information and the activities they performed from the on-line games.