Educational Goals


    Educational Goals:

    Through the eTwinning Project "Shake shake like Earth and Quake student learn how:

    • To know and understand infants the natural phenomenon of earthquake scientifically and experimentally, and by observation.


    • To Reflect, observe and make assumptions about how the phenomenon, its manifestations and effects are generated.


    • To Experiment with a variety of materials and draw reasonable conclusions from their findings.


    • To cultivate the skills of comparison and classification as well as their mathematical thinking more broadly


    • To get acquainted with peers from other kindergartens, develop social and communication skills.


    • To understand the importance of collaboration, engage in exploratory and collaborative learning, learn to respect the opinions and works of others.


    • Develop thoughtful observation skills, learn to pay close attention to the world around them, focus on real problems, propose and seek solutions.


    • Get in touch with ground floor robots by integrating them into the training process.


    • To be properly informed about the earthquake phenomenon and to inform their narrow and wider environment.


    • Express themselves freely and creatively in a variety of ways and means.


    • Create surveillance material on earthquake protection