• Friday, 20th  May: our wonderful week came to an end. We couldn´t believe it! The Spanish students didn´t really want to leave and we didn´t want them to go back to Spain!!!!! 

    Some students said: "now that we know each other better, we don´t want them to leave". Some other students were planing to meet again in Summer...

    But we used this very last day to remember the week we spent together. Each group was responsible to present an activity we did during the week.

    Mitarbeit der Schüler.docx


    It is hard to explain what happended this day, from our three moderators to our techncians, the press team and Mrs. Blenk, the incredible breakfast and spontaneous music. The Erasmus T-shirts and the certificates, just check by yourself.

    "a picture is worth a thousand words"




    One last picture all together

    And thinking about "A future in common" not to feel so sad because of leaving