• Today, April 19th 2021,German and Spanish students met online for the first time. Both groups have been working very hard on their Blue Zones project. Now. it´s time for them to work together in order to create a project for a future European city, one whose design, habits and organisation would make it worthy of being labeled as a Blue Zone.

    Students joined a common chat today, organised by their teachers. Some students joined from home, due to lockdown, whereas others were able to join from the classroom.

    After a brief presentation from their teachers, Celia and María, students got to know each other, by exchanging texts and chatting.

    They were then divided into smallers groups so that they got to know better the students they will carry out the project with. We will continue working on this next Wednesday.

    These are some of the photos taken during this online meeting.


    Our second online meeting took place on Wednesday 21st. This time, students had time to share their projects on measures to improve their town, their school and their family life. After hearing each other´s proposals, students discussed their ideas in order to come up with a plan for a future European city; sustainable, efficient, and suiting their needs. These are some of the photos we took.