EuDelicious: Our Med Diet

Short description of our project
Our objective is to promote the taste for cooperation of our students sharing our daily habits related to food and hydration. We will bring out the richness of our Mediterranean healthy lifestyle with videos, photos and descriptions of memories of mealtime. In this project we will exchange information on each region's eating habits, ingredients, foods and recipes and discover similarities and differences. This will lead to greater understanding of our fellow Europeans' culinary culture and appreciation of the Mediterranean diet as both a means towards healthy living and as a cultural element.
Our goals
- Improve vocabulary related to food and body.
- Classify food into macronutrients and its behaviour.
- Improve healthy habits.
- Promote a taste for practising sport on a regular basis.
- Promote and improve communication, social and digital skills.
- Communication in English. Improve student’s all four skills (oral and written comprehension, oral and written production)
- Cultural expression and awareness.
- CLIL approach (languages, history, literature, arts, PE and IT skills will be involved)
- Democratic participation - students deciding on the best recipe, logo...
The timetable
Project time: From October 2019 to April 2020.
Work process: We will do project activities according to the plan below:
Preparing the project: activities, students, tasks, communication ways...
Share vocabulary on typical food, drink, parts of the body.
Analysing your diet during a week.
Analysing data from the previous activity.
Getting to know each other. Videoconferencing.
Sending Christmas cards.
Our traditional foods as found in Art, songs, tales of our countries.
Drawing pictures of food or fruit and vegetables.
Classifying food into macronutrients and discover its functions.
Thinking of an ideal diet.
Arranging visits to local food businesses and local history museums
Cooking your local meals.
Create some Padlets to gather information about Mediterranean meals.Organising a sports' day on 8 April 2020. (Cancelled because of COVID19)
Create a Kahoot! game for testing our knowledge on Mediterranean ingredients and dishes.
Expected results
- Collaborative presentations with the analysis of data from the information gathered trying to go forward to an even healthier diet. Students will be aware that our Med diets are similar.
- 4-languague illustrated dictionary on Mediterranean food.
- ebook with photos, preparation of typical dishes, videos of recipes and sports.
- Kahoot game for evaluating the knowledege of the students at the end of the project.
- Video of a sports’ day activity at school. (cancelled because of COVID19)