2nd Day

  • The second day was full of project activities and the longest day of the whole week.

    There were open P2P lessons in the morning where the Slovak students taught their foreign classmates how to use and how to work in application iMovie. This application is the main tool for editing videos which will be used for finishing all digital outputs form mobilities. These lessons were connected with the workshop where the students in their international groups practices and improved their digital skills in iMovie application and the application for making audio tracks and discussed about the storyboards and scripts to their digital stories.

    They finished their short movies about the place for filming as well.

    The project activities continued in the afternoon with outside filming of digital stories and with the second part of T-shirt workshop when pupils painted the back side of their T-shirts to finish them and prepare for Goodbye party and Ceremony event on Thursday.

    We are thankful our local Tv which medially supported our project activities.

    Here is the summary of the 2nd day of the mobility: