3rd book presentation: "The Pharmacist" by the 10th Helioupolis PS

  • The 3rd Graders of the 10th Helioupolis Primary School have also chosen "The Pharmacist", the Lithuanian story from the book "Vaiku Anekdota"
    The story was originally dramatized by the Kauno Jono Pauliaus II school, Lithuania.

    To retell this funny story the children drew the characters, cut them out and stuck them onto a straw each. They studied the language in English which was a bit difficult for them and eventually they used a puppet theatre toy, their paper puppets and drawings of Scene 1, Scene 2, etc to act out the dialogue between the pharmacist and the customer. The end result was recorded on camera. 

  • Behind the ... stage

    Pupppeteers getting ready
    Puppets can get really tricky to handle
    Bye, bye!
    Characters, setting, puppeteers!
    It took us some time to figure out how we can handle the straw effectively!
    Pharmacist & customer