Learning each other's languages

  • Organising the activity

    Step 1: Submit words and phrases from the nine (9) partners' books presented in Phase III

    Step 2: Record children saying these words & phrases in their mother tongue. 

    All the words, phrases and their recordings are collected in the spreadsheet "Learning each other's language" below

    Step 3: Record children saying one or two of these words and phrases in our partners' languages 

    The spreadsheet as well as the recordings of Step 3 are collected in a pdf file

    Learning each other's languages_FINAL.pdf


    which is included in our "Teeny Bookworms: eLexicon" (see bottom of the current page) along with a video of selected words in all partners' languages.

    Inspired by each other' s books, "Teeny Bookworms" project children study and say words and phrases from partners' languages. The words and phrases are taken from the nine (9) books presented in Phase III: Presenting our Partners' Books