What is dendrology?
Dendrology is the study of trees and wooden plants.The word originates from the Ancient Greek word ''dendron'' for tree and ''logia '' for science.Dendrology deserves to have a lot of interest because trees are so vital to our existence.Dendrology is a science that studies every part of every single tree. This information allows scientists to understand the root structure, why the leaves are the shape that they are, why the tree may bloom when it does, and even where the tree originated from and what other species it may be linked to. A dendrolog may ıdentify tree from its leaves by looking leaf's type ;arrangement, shape , the leaf's blade edges( whether it is toothed or lobed ) ;by looking at the leaf's vein patterning.Today there are useful tree identification programmes or applications .I am currently using ''pl@ntnet'' and it is really helpful.