What is Dendrology?

  • What is dendrology? How can we study trees as species? Pupils will research and set their standart on how to study trees.

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    How can we study trees as species

    You can use app Pl@ntNet
    Pl@ntNet is an application that allows you to identify plants simply by photographing them with your smartphone

    Croatian team

    What is dendrology?

    Dendrology is the study of trees and wooden plants.The word originates from the Ancient Greek word ''dendron'' for tree and ''logia '' for science.Dendrology deserves to have a lot of interest because trees are so vital to our existence.Dendrology is a science that studies every part of every single tree. This information allows scientists to understand the root structure, why the leaves are the shape that they are, why the tree may bloom when it does, and even where the tree originated from and what other species it may be linked to. A dendrolog may ıdentify tree from its leaves by looking leaf's type ;arrangement, shape , the leaf's blade edges( whether it is toothed or lobed ) ;by looking at the leaf's vein patterning.Today there are useful tree identification programmes or applications .I am currently using ''pl@ntnet'' and it is really helpful.

    Identfyig trees by their leaves

    Trees can be classified by looking at their leaves' shapes. Gaining adeep understanding and being an expert really requires hard work , but some useful applications like pl@ntnet helps you decide the tree.

    by serap kaya teacher simru pamuk

    Dendrology or xylology is the science and study of wooded plants. There is no sharp boundary between plant taxonomy and dendrology. However, woody plants not only belong to many different plant families, but these families may be made up of both woody and non-woody members. Some families include only a few woody species. This severely limits the usefulness of a strictly dendrological approach. Dendrology tends to focus on economically useful woody plants, their identification and horticultural or silvicultural properties.