The EI CEIP San Francisco Primary School in Spain, in Pamplona- the Basque region was the site of the second partner visit of the Erasmus + project 'Seaways, Pathways of International Learning'. The meeting took place on 4-8 March 2020.
The teachers and students of Pamplona school prepared very well for a visit of a group of teachers from Ireland, Iceland, Norway and Poland who were impressed by the building itself, located in a beautiful tenement house in the city center, but also by wall decorations in the hallways and classrooms. Among them were posters, charts, mock-ups and drawings regarding the subject of the project - ecology and recycling of inland and sea waters. Visiting teachers could admire the carefully and attractively done work showing how and with what are polluted waters of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Students and teachers welcomed guests with a traditional Basque dance and afterwards invited everyone to join in and perform Polka dance together. The program of the visit also included lessons during which students presented and discussed in English language their multimedia projects on environmental protection and waste segregation. After classes, teachers were invited to meet the head of the European Projects, Ms Elisa Echenique, to the Department of Education and the Government of Navarra to discuss the main project assumptions and forms of further cooperation between partner schools.
As part of the visit to Pamplona, educational workshops for teachers from the European Erasmus + program were also held. They took place on the Arga River under the direction of the famous biologist and ecologist Gabi Berazategi who knows the region's flora and fauna. He discussed and presented ways to protect river waters, fish, vegetation and birds. And the teachers made observations of nature using specialized equipment.
The next day, teachers were invited to the school's radio studio, where they answered students' questions about their home countries. They also watched a play prepared by children in English about hunting for the last whale. It took place in a large cinema room located in the school.
On the third day of the visit, the teachers went to the Alboal Museum, near the city of San Sebastian, where the reconstruction of San Juan ship is under way. The ship was used for whaling in the 14th century. The museum guide conducted a workshop on how to travel ecologically from the Basque country to Canada. UNESCO patronage of the ship's reconstruction work is being held since 2015.
There was also a meeting of project teachers at school during which they discussed previous activities in their schools and forms of promotion on the TwinSpace website that was very important and useful in terms of content and practicality. The rules for placing materials on this page were reminded by Ewelina Pietrzyk, a project coordinator at our school.
The next meeting of the Erasmus + program "Seaways, Pathways of International Learning" was supposed to be in Iceland this May. But unfortunatelly it must be rescheduled because of the prevailing global situation.