Our Sea project from 4th and 5th class.
In the first phase of the project we all went together for a field trip to the shore.
We had to time our trip to coincide with the low tide so we took a look at the tidal charts, learned about the tides and how they relate to the phases of the moon and picked a perfect time for our field trip. The shore near the school is a perfect place teeming with life and shielded inside the harbour area.
On site we did shore bingo and spotted different types of sea snails, kelp, crabs, amphipods, barnacles, mussels and seabirds.
We also gathered materials to use in the next phase of the project.

For the next phase we read about, watched videos and discussed different species of fish, seabirds, seamammals, crustaceans and each student picked one that he would like to research further. The class was divided in two, 4th year focused on the seashore and 5th year on the ocean. The groups then recreated their environment with the material we gathered and a lot af creativity and added of course their seacreatures. Accompaning the marine environments were posters with the information the students had gathered about their creatures.