First LTTA meeting in Ireland 20-24.11.2019.

Teachers from partner schools from Iceland, Spain, Norway, Poland and Ireland took part in LTTA training and workshops (Learnig Teaching Training Activities) for several days. All cooperating schools are located in coastal regions, which is not accidental. The project implements the theme of protecting the seas and oceans, developing students' sense of responsibility for our marine environment and safety over water. An important task of the project is to look at the sea as our heritage, which must be protected, but also about which we should learn.
In Kinvara teachers took part in various workshops. The main purpose of all meetings is to exchange good practices, learn and transfer knowledge to others.
A lot of important and interesting information was provided by the Burren Beo training presentation - "We learn about a place, through a place, for this place". The guests invited by Shane Mc Donagh introduced teachers to the unique Burren area, which is a living landscape of international significance with a unique natural, construction and cultural heritage. It is a landscape of geological wonders with a large variety of plants and animals. The Burren is a place of stories, legends, music and art aptly described as "a huge monument of past cultures." This region is one of the most vibrant in Ireland, full of diverse cultural landscapes, home to many craftsmen and artists. The Burren also has a fascinating literary heritage. Much of the Burren has been identified as an area of particular importance for conservation. Buren Beo conducts training classes for children, adolescents, adults, university groups and groups with disabilities.
The next teacher training called "Healthy Rivers- Healthy Seas" was a meeting and workshop with Inland Fisheries Experts from Inland Fisheries Ireland (IFI) IFI is a state agency responsible for the management and protection of Irish inland fisheries and sea fishing resources. Ireland has over 74,000 kilometers of rivers and streams, and 128,000 hectares of lakes, all of which fall under IFI's jurisdiction. This agency deals, among others, with the protection of the aquatic environment, support of the fishing sector, research on the impact of predation on fish stocks in Irish lakes, and protection of salmon. IFI also runs innovative training and educational programs. One of such training was prepared for our project and teachers from partner schools.
The next training meeting concerned the creation of the project website, the graphic outline was created and introduced by Irish teacher Róisín Forde.
Ewelina Pietrzyk, a Polish coordinator, conducted a training for teachers from all partner schools on how to use the eTwinning platform and the Mobility Tool. The "Set a sail for clean seas" project was founded on the eTwinning platform, which is an integral part of the Erasmus + project "Seaways, Pathways of International Learning". At the TwinSpace, teachers attach materials from the project tasks carried out, from classes with students, from trainings and from project meetings in partner schools.
During the stay in Ireland, each teacher had the opportunity to plant a tree as a symbolic gesture for future generations. In addition, interesting ceramic workshops were organized for teachers from partner schools and for students from the Kinvara school, as well as classes at school with students, which were supposed to familiarize teachers from partner schools with the basics of Ireland's educational system.
In partner schools, competitions were held in the name of the design mascot-octopus. During the meeting, teachers from the proposals voted for SNIPI, which formed the first letters of the countries from which the partner schools come: Spain, Norway, Iceland, Poland, Ireland.
The next visit of the Seaways, Pathways of International Learning project partners will take place in Spain on 4-8 March 2020.