SN Bhrighde Naofa
We are a rural, coastal, primary school catering for children from 3 to 13 years. There are 70 children in the primary school and 20 in the preschool. We have 12 paid staff including 7 teachers, 3 classroom assistants with part-time admin and secretarial staff also. Our eight members of Board of management are voluntary community members apart from the school Principal and Deputy Principal. We have a high percentage of children with special educational needs (SEN). 33% of our children are in receipt of SEN support from our 3 designated SEN teachers. We place enormous emphasis in our school and project work on ensuring that these children have the opportunity to
participate to the best of their ability. We are among a small percentage of schools in Ireland to have completed our eight green school flag. The title for this flag was "The Marine Environment" so we have many ideas from this that we would like to share and compare with our partners. We lead the last Erasmus European project we took part in which began in 2015 www.the and this got a lot of attention in local and national media throughout the partner countries and was a huge success in our school with the pupils rally working well and growing with the project. We know that we can manage budgets, motivate a team, achieve goals assess and evaluate projects in such a way that our aims and visions become reality. Shane Mc Donagh will lead the project for the school with Sarah Noonan deputising for this project should he leave his post. Key school personnel and skills include; Shane Mc Donagh and Roisin Forde - Website building, Blogging, Online communication and project dissemination. Orla Mc Hale- Excellent qualifications and training in Special Educational Needs teaching, inclusion and equality of participation. This will be a central tenet to the project.
Sarah Noonan- Early Years Education 3-6 years. Outdoor education, hands on learning, resourcing your classroom with tactile practical materials. Margaret Timmins and Shane Mc Donagh- Local Culture and Heritage expertise having provided seminars to other schools in past projects. Orla Mc Hale and Shane Mc Donagh- Green School initiatives coordinators with 16 years experience across 8 previous green school flags. STEM expertise also. Shane Mc Donagh- Adult training coordinator for school Boards of Management.
Grunnskoli Grundarfjardar
Grunnskóli Grundarfjarðar is a primary/secondary school with 96 pupils (6-16 years) and a kindergarten department for five year olds. There are 12 teachers, plus principal and vice-principal. The school is situated on the north of Snæfellsnespeninsula, in western part of Iceland, by Breiðafjordur. It is full of history and beautiful nature. Kirkjufell is Grundarfjordur's iconic landmark, situated just by the village. Grundarfjordur´s main industry is fishing. The town it self is relatively young but stands on an age-long tradition of small scale fishing in small rowboats from the local
farmsteads. It was also the site of a bustling French fishing outpost in the middle of 19th century. Like most communities in Iceland we have a close relationship with the sea. Breidafjordur is one of the richest fishing grounds near Iceland and has in ages past been called Icelands food chest. It has rich spawning grounds for cod, pollock amongst others. Most prominent of other seafood is scallop, blue mussel, and kelp. It is also the spawning grounds for many species of seabirds such as auks, gannets and puffins. This rich fjord is also the habitat for harbour and greyseals, dolphins and orcas. Our little town of 800 people is an open and welcoming community and most people know everyone by name. It has, in addition to the primary school, a kindergarten, secondary school and a music school. Our schools motto is ambition, cooperation, responsibility and joy. It is run on the principles of inclusion and multiculturalism which has been adopted in the national curriculum. Our students learn
English from the age of six and Danish from the age of ten. About 10% of our students are second gen immigrants, mostly from Poland, who grow up bilingual and learn Polish from the age of six instead of Danish. We routinely use our local environment as a basis for projects in different subjects such as arts, history, biology and ICT. In our school we have a good and ambitious ICT team, who are always looking for new ways and ideas to use technology in teaching. The key persons in charge of running the project will be the principal and a history teacher, who is also ICT and arts teacher,
and an English teacher, but the whole school community will be involved in the project as well. We would very much like to share with other schools our nature,our culture, folktales and music. We have no experience in projects like this and are looking forward to it. Hopefully this is just the beginning in our European journey. The Key people in this project is history, Art and ICT teacher Sigurrós Sandra Bergvinsdóttir, Principal Sigurður Gíslí Guðjónsson and english teacher Helga María Jóhannesdóttir.
Kolltveit skule
Kolltveit School is a primary school for children 6- 13 years. Totally we are 43 staff members, 27 teachers. We teach all the subject in the Norwegian governments curriculum for primary school, Norwegian language, mathematics, science, English language, social science, art, music, physical education. Our school has never participated in an European project, but our municipality has completed several Comenius Regio and Erasmus projects. Our motivation for participating in this is
learning from others, exchanging best practice and cooperating with other schools in Europe living in a coastal area. Our coastal history can be traced back to the stone age and our everyday life is based on great tradition in work and leisure time. The famous “plastic whale” landed in our neighborhood last year, and this has motivated a lot of persons and organisations to care more about our environment. Our partners are strongly motivated by and based on sustainable development and young entrepreneurship. Traditional our island “Sotra” is built upon fishing. Our area is also one of Norway most important oil industry area. This, along with our roots in a rich coastal history of everyday life and language, give us a great opportunity to participate in the project Seaways, Pathways of International Learning Our Museums tells us the history of the first inhabitants in Sotramay be aging back to 10000 years bC, exciting transocean transporting and tragic war events during World War II. Key persons: Karin Haugen, Charlotte Persson.
San Francisco is a public school with kindergarten and primary education. It is located in the city town of Pamplona ( Navarra ). It provides education from 3 to 12 years old children. Nowadays, 407 children (boys and girls) are registered and the staff is composed by 48 teachers. There are two linguistic models of education, in Basque and in Spanish, and both have English as one of the main subjects. The school has got 110 years without interruption, being a benchmark for the neighborhood and for the city. Our school has a heterogeneous social context, with a wide spectrum in which there are families where both parents have medium-high higher education and good economic status and families where both parents are illiterate and depend on social assisstance. The center has students from five continents, culture, religions and capabilities. Throughout this time,the center has manteined the illusion and the intention of continuous improvement. The prove of that are the achievements of different awards such as “Sello Nacional Escuela 2.0” or “ Consumopils Award” and
our ambition is to continue improving and learning in a cooperative way among eachother and with people from other countries and cultures taking this time English as the vehicular language to develop a project. We hope to educate openminded children and to achieve a deep knowledge about the sea and the ocean, a familiar environment for our students due to the fact that we live 50 minutes far from there and it is a common holidays destination and an important economical input for our country. The key people in charge of running this project will be the principal and both English
teachers but other teachers of the English Department and tutors will be involved as well. In total, it will be a team of 6. As noted above, the center was awarded for several innovation projects such as Arquimedes Award to the Scientific Research in the classroom, Integratik ( didactic inclusion of ITC), Innovation improvement projects: Robotics-Science- Open doors in Kindergarten and from 2016-2018 the school has been involved in a K201 . The name the project is Sciliteracy.
Szkola Podstawowa nr1 im.kpt. Leonida Teligi
Primary School no 1 is situated in a new western part of a small town Ustka. Our town is located on the Slowinski Coast, at the mouth of the Slupia River to the Baltic Sea. It is a port town, tourist resort with beautiful sea beaches. Inhabitants of Ustka have been intensively engaged in fishing for many centuries. There are 50 teachers and 502 students at the age from 6 to 14. Our school is characterized by a very good relationship between community groups, friendly atmosphere for all, mutual respect, maintaining traditions and respect for national symbols. The school helps students to
believe in themselves, motivates to work, fairly assesses and delivers a high quality of teaching. The school takes into account the needs of all students, including those gifted and less able. Moreover, it helps students to discover and develop their talents, promotes their achievements and offers a wide variety of compulsory and optional tasks. Our school is safe and caring space where no child is anonymous. Every employee takes careful consideration of our students. We have a psychologist, a
school therapist and a speech therapist. They co-operate with all teachers and parents. They also help to overcome students' problems and work efficiently with children with special needs like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, reading defect, sight or hearing problems. We would like to involve these children in the project in as many innovative ways as possible. The key person in charge of running the project
will be the English teacher. However, all school staff- especially other English, ICT, Science, Geography, Maths, History, Art and D.T. teachers are experienced in European projects (5 Comenius and Erasmus+ projects). Teachers, who will be the key people in charge of running the project, besides the coordinator, are other English teachers and ICT teacher. We want to involve in the project as many children, parents and local authorities as possible. We won the title “The school is open to multiculturalism” and we are involved in the competition called “We are digitally secure school” in which children use English and ICT skills. We would like to implement research, innovation and ICT for presentation of a topic in a new project. We would also like to share knowledge with students from different countries and exchange information on different topics and we are open to almost every subject. We have very well- equipped Language and ICT labs at school that allows our students to communicate with partners involved in the project. What’s important that all our children learn English language from the age of 6. Most of them also learn German. Our school has a new, very well-equipped Science lab, a big gym, a modern playground with a sports field. All of these make our school possible to work on wide variety of topics and subjects. We are able to create a movie, a website, a blog, an e- book, an album or an app through which we would present our given subject to the others.