Workshops with a 3D printer - our virtual mobility
The pandemic prevented us from traveling and planned project activities. We hope that the situation will get better soon and that we will be able to meet safely in partner schools. In the meantime, we work hard and discuss various activities. Teachers from all schools met online.
On March 22, the Day of the Baltic Sea was celebrated in Polish school. It was established to draw the attention of the international community to the problems related to its protection. Every year we are happy to join the action, the younger classes get to know the natural environment of the Baltic Sea, the countries lying by the sea, the older classes are also willing to join the beach cleaning campaign. This year, class 2a had the opportunity to participate in an extraordinary lesson, during which elements of Science, English and ICT were combined. The students learned about the 3D printer, they got to know the organisms living in the Baltic Sea, they learned about the curiosities related to the sea not only in Polish but also in English. During the lessons, they had the opportunity to practice computer skills.
The lesson was a huge injection of information and great fun 😊
The lesson was also presented to the partner schools in the Erasmus + project "Seaways, Pathways of International Learning". We also met online with teachers from partner schools and discussed the possibility of buying 3D printers in all schools, how such equipment can be used in the project and during lessons. Teachers from Polish school showed how the printer works. During the meeting, fish and an octopus were printed.
We hope that we will be able to organize a similar meeting at school, when the situation in the world is safe.