Game Therapy


    Play therapy is a method of therapy that uses play to uncover and deal with psychological issues. It can be used on its own, particularly with children, or along with other therapies and medications. To get the most out of play therapy, look for a licensed mental health professional experienced in this type of therapy

    Play Therapy Techniques

    Sessions typically last 30 minutes to an hour and are held once a week or so. How many sessions are needed depends on the child and how well they respond to this type of therapy. Therapy can take place individually or in groups.

    Play therapy can be directive or nondirective. In the directive approach, the therapist will take the lead by specifying the toys or games that’ll be used in the session. The therapist will guide the play with a specific goal in mind.

    The nondirective approach is less structured. The child is able to choose toys and games as they see fit. They’re free to play in their own way with few instructions or interruptions. The therapist will observe closely and participate as appropriate.

    Sessions must take place in an environment where the child feels safe and where there are few limitations. The therapist may use techniques that involve:

    • creative visualization
    • storytelling
    • role-playing
    • toy phones
    • puppets, stuffed animals, and masks
    • dolls, action figures
    • arts and crafts
    • water and sand play
    • blocks and construction toys
    • dance and creative movement
    • musical play