Ins Miquel Martí i Pol

  • Ins Miquel Martí i Pol

    The Miquel Martí i Pol High School is situated in Cornellà de Llobregat, very close to Barcelona. Cornellà has more than 86,000 inhabitants. There are 1100 students in our school. Compulsory education is from 12 to 16 years old and we have older students in the non-compulsory studies. We are 106 teachers altogether. Our compulsory secondary studies have a compulsory curricula which all schools in Catalonia must follow and we offer woodwork, health and electric engineering vocational studies. The “A” levels categories we offer are Natural & health sciences, Technology, humanities and social sciences. Students come from different socio-economic backgrounds, among them there are a few with learning disabilities (SEN Students). We are a reference center for schooling students with visual and hearing impairments. We work on PBL (projects) from first to third of Compulsory Secondary Educations under two different modalities: STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and HAS (Humanities, Arts and Social sciences). Students learn Catalan and Spanish as first language and English as a compulsory second learning language. Students can also choose to learn French or German as a third learning language - nowadays 100 students are learning them. We teach subjects under CLIL methodology, like Geometry and Music in English. Long time ago a team of teachers started developing a project on reading. The project had two main goals: to teach students reading strategies to improve their academic results, and to awaken a taste for reading and seeing reading as a key strategy to improve their academic results. Some of the language teachers attended specific courses and we developed our own reading material to teach reading strategies. Students also started a weekly reading hour. (1st to 3rd of ESO read 30 minutes two days a week). We have set up an Erasmus+ commission and did a KA1 project (2017-18). We visited and hosted Finnish, Czech and German teachers and jobshadowed on PBL and CLIL methodology. 

    Our school takes its name after the Catalan poet Miquel Martí i Pol. The best way to introduce our school i to leave you with one of his poems recited by teachers. 

    We hope you like it!