Step 2




    Jan-March 2020 / Sep-Dec 2020:


    2.1.  WARM-UP: National Geographic documentary “Before the Flood”: watch film, take part in discussion forum & kahoot challenge.


    2.2. DELVING INTO CLIMATE CHANGE: collect information on 9 different topics in transnational groups, design infographics.


    2.3. OUR CLIMATE CHANGE MAP: geolocate hotspots in where something related to climate change is going on


    2.4. WHAT ARE OUR POLITICIANS ARE DOING AND SAYING TO FIGHT CLIMATE CHANGE?: compilation of measures and speeches


    2.5. TAKE PART IN UN ACTNOW CAMPAIGN: compilation of pictures of students performing or committing to individual acts.


    2.6. TAKE PART IN THE EWWR INVISIBLE WASTE CAMPAIGN: Lean about invisible waste, food waste, ugly food and design campaigns to raise awareness in collaboration


    2.7. CLIMATE CHANGE & CARTOONS. Compile cartoons which portays the problem of climate change in an ironical and funny way.




    - to learn and infer on news on Climate Action Conference in Madrid

    - to learn about effects, consequences and provide solutions to different problems related to climate change;

    - to geolocate effects of climate change in an interactive map;

    - to learn how to work in transnational collaborative teams;

    - to learn about political measures taken at local, regional and national level in each partner-country;

    - to design an infographic with information gathered in collaboration;

    - to learn how to use VR tools:

    -to commit themselves to individual actions to help fight climate change


    - communication in a foreign language (English);

    - digital competence;

    - learning to learn;

    - basic competence in science;

    - social and civic competences;

    - cultural expression and awareness