
  • Name of state: Republic of Serbia

    Capital city: Belgrade, population more than 1,600,000

    Geographic location: Southeastern and Central Europe, Balkan Peninsula, Western Balkans

    Area: 88,509 km2

    Climate: moderate continental

    Longest river: Danube, Serbian section, 588 km

    Highest mountain peak: Đeravica (in the Prokletije range), 2656 m

    International dialling code: +381

    Official currency: the dinar (RSD)

    Population: more than 7,000,000, 83% Serbs

    Official language: Serbian

    Official script: Cyrillic

    Faiths: 85% Eastern Orthodox Christian, 5.5% Roman Catholic Christian, 3.2% Muslim

    National holiday: 15th February – Serbian National Statehood Day

    Time zone: central European, CET (GMT + 1 hour)














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