
  • Enjoy the video created by the Italian students to celebrate the European Day of languages with you all!





    About us

    We are from Gorizia, a small town in North-East Italy.


    There are four version of its name: Gorizia (Italian), Nova Gorica (Slovenian), Görz (German) and Guriza (Friulano, a local language). This is due to the fact that it lies on the border with Slovenia, actually it used to be cut in two by the border, it was part of the Austrian Empire for more than 400 years and now is an Italian town deeply linked to its linguistic heritage.





    Here is a view of the town from the castle



    Our school is called Galileo Galilei after the Italian scientist. It is a technical school with courses in I.T., Electrotechnics, Mechanics and Business. There are more than 400 students who attend it.

    Here is its site



    In the school there are a lot of facilities. A sports ground


    A lot of labs 


    but we don't have a cafèteria or canteen, we only have some vending machines



    The teacher. My name is Alessandra Pallavicini and I teach English as a Foreign Language in the I.T. course of our school. I am an eTwinning Ambassador and love working on projects with partners from other countries.