My stay in Seville

  • Dutch Team:

    Here you'll find the presentation by the Ridderkerk Sevilla team that they gave to other Dutch students after the trip

    Presentatie Erasmus+ exchange Sevilla.pptx


    Polish Team:

    My memories from Spain are mainly exploring the area with people from various other countries. We visited beautiful Spanish Square, where we had to answer various questions related to this place. Together with friends from Poland with whom I came to this country, we also visited the center of Seville with us were the people who hosted us. The school there was not bad either, maybe the classes are different from ours, but they were fine. Every day we saw something different, be it with Erasmus students or with the professors who went on this journey with us. It was a great week in Spain.
    Dominika Nagadowska - Team Poland

    Sewilla dzienniczek.pptx


    Italian Team:

    Our Seville experience - Team Italy.docx

    Back home again

    Amira, Leon, Noemi, Timea, Yasmin - Team Italy


    Portuguese Team:

    Lara, Soraia, Inês, Mariana e Manuel