Scratch story


    The forest story of Miou


    4th Primary School of Amaroussio "Zekakio", Greece / Pupils of grade 4 / Supervisor, Art Teacher Theodora Chandrinou.
    In collaboration with:
    College of Bouhajla El Markez, Tunisia


    Miou is a happy cat. With a Land Art boat came to the small village caled "Paradiso"...

    The houses were very beautiful and respected the environment. Ecological material were used for the building and each house had its own garden!

    People were very happy because the village was so friendly to them and everywhere you could see kind faces and smiles!

    Everyone knew about Recycling and for that reason there were no garbage!! 

    Around the village there was a forest full of different trees and all kind of animals. It was really a small Paradise! That image gave the name to the village "Paradiso".

    Miou discovered the beauty of the forest and made a small house there. 

    The children of the village became best friends with Miou and helped our cat to build and decorate the new home! It was so sweet and wondreful!!
    Miou invites you to play in the forest... You do like to follow the game?


    Thank you very much!!
