In Architecture

  • “An arch consists of two weaknesses which, leaning one against the other, make a strength.”—Leonardo Da Vinci

    The Gateway Arch, an extraordinary monument built on the west bank of the Mississippi River in St. Louis, Missouri.


    Calatrava's museum is right on Lake Michigan.


    (Jasmina M. The First High School of Kragujevac)


    Marina Nikolić, The First Technical School, Kragujevac, Serbia

    Students discover parabolas in Architecture for example in building in Kragujevac.

    Excursion realized in Thessaloniki


    Tuncay ŞİMŞEK Şehit Fatih Yeniay Anatolian High School.
    Turkey is a great example of the nature of the parabola cupola password history in Erzurum.


    The art of mathematics: parabola


    Adana Seyhan Oil mosque.

    The Eiffel Towerand parabola Sofija Ter-Oganesova 2.docxLatvia

    EMRE ARDA-Görele Anatolian High School-TURKEY



    Riyâd Centre
    The architecture goes so further than any brain of ordinary human can handle. The architects and designers create those marvelous solutions so futuristic and unusual that is thrilling view. (Source: Pinterest)


    U traženju parabola na izletu po Istri i Italiji Emma je otkrila:




    Pınar ASLAN-Salihli Şahin Şen Gırls Anatolian Imam Hatip  High School

    Topkapı Palace in İstanbul



    Özlem Kahraman/Babaeski Şehit Ersan Yenici Anadolu Lisesi

    My student Berivan B. worked on parabola in architecture.

    Click the infographic for enlarge.


    High School September 17th, Lajkovac, Serbia

    Our students have chosen the Saint Sava Temple in Belgrade.

    OŠ"Osman Nakaš", Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herezgovina

    Our students have choisen the Zemaljski muzej