Hidden World of Parabolas


The project “Hidden world of parabolas” is an innovative approach in study of quadratic function. Parabola is very present in many different ways in our space. Students will discover quadratic function that will describe basketball shot, projectile motion, trajectory of the athletic high jump, parabolas in paintings, in architecture, the minimal number of appropriate quadratic functions to make the best heart surface area, the connection between quadratic function graph and parabola in literature, how to make parabola “alive” by AR. Students will make connections in a creative way their knowledge about parabolas with everyday life examples. Driving Questions are: “What would world look like without parabola?”, “How parabola changed the way we see the world?” In this project, we also would like to integrate 21st Century Skills like critical thinking, creativity, productivity, heuristic learning. We will document our results using some web 2.0 tools.

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