• Our project's team of classes have registered events for Europe Code Week 2019 (Link to the event)

    (-All partner classes for their events should use the code week 4all code cw19-PxeQA

    -All teachers should post in this page  a screenshot and the link to their event that is registered in Europe Code week site


    Certificate of Excellence-EUROPE_CODE_WEEK_2019-TWIST.pdf


  • Teachers, here we add our reports from our activities with our classes for Europe Code Week

    4th Junior High School of Petroupolis: 1st event

    4th Junior High School of Petroupolis

    Certificate for the first event

    Asunción de Nuestra Señora

    3WET &4WET | GO! atheneum Brakel

    Certification codeweek

    Pioneer middle school of Sfax Tunisia

    Participating in Europe Code week for a Twist of microbit

    Pioneer middle school of sfax Tunisia

    Our ECW certificate

    3WET &4WET | GO! atheneum Brakel
    Certificado CEIP San Francisco de Asís

    Certificado de participación en la actividad de nuestro proyecto eTwinning durante la CodeWeek de este año 2019

    Asunción de Nuestra Señora
    Certificate of EXCELLENCE