Survey 2 : Is your life healthy?

  •             This second survey ' How healthy is your lifestyle?' was elaborated by students from the different countries . Their questions were uploaded in the twinboard . The most interesting questions were selected to create a googleform survey . More than 200 students answered the survey and here are the results .On this page you will find the original questions on the twinboard, the survey (google form), photos of students answering the survey and the results (google slide)




    Students in Joseph Calvet commenting the results

    Here is our second collaborative survey created with the questions suggested by teh different partners on the project! You can also use the link underneath.


    Photos of students answering the survey 2
    Slovak students and our survey 2

    Petroupoli (Greece ) students answering survey 2

    Arsakeia (Greece) students answering survey 2

    Elif GÖKARIK - answering survey 2

    French students answering survey 2

  • Brainstorming for survey2 . Add the questions you would like to appear in the survey 2 'How healthy is your life?'

    Colegiul National Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Galati, Romania

    Is your life healthy

    Maysoon Alwaqfi

    Is your everyday lifestyle healthy?
    A. Yes
    B. No
    C. Not sure

    CROATIA Survey 2
    Nagehan BAŞARAN , Turkey

    How often do you consume fizzy drinks?

    French students preparing questions
    French students at work
    Collège Joseph Calvet, France

    Questions for survey 2

    Petroupoli, Greece

    Questions for the second surcvey "healthy life"

    Petroupolis B2a ICT class in the shared google doc (25/11/2019)

    Helen .k
    1. How many times do you visit the dentist?
    -Once a year. I like keeping my teeth cleaned and checked

    -What? I never do so

    -I do it when i have a problem

    2. Do you enjoy eating sweets ?
    -Yes very much, i do it all the time
    -No, i don’t.
    -Is there anybody that doesn’t? But i try keeping it under control

    Eleni M.
    How often do you have a shower?
    a)Once a week
    b) Twice a week
    c) More than 3 times a week
    d) Everyday

    How important is dental health to you
    a)not so important
    b)i daily brush my teeth and go the dentist at least once a year

    Anna - Maria 2) How many times per day do you brush your teeth ?
    More than 2

    Slovakia questions
    Elif GÖKARIK

    Survey Questions

    1- How much water do you drink in a day?
    a) 1-2 litres
    b) 3-4 litres
    c) If offered
    d) Cant remember

    2- How often do you do exercise? Please specify.
    a) Always (.......................)
    b) Sometimes (................................)
    c) Rarely (...................................)
    d) Never

    3- How often do you go to hospital?
    a) Very often
    b) Twice a month
    c) Once a year
    d) Hardly ever

    3- If you have to choose one. What would it be?
    a) Money
    b) Fame
    c) Beauty
    d) Health

    4- How many hours do you sleep?
    a) 4-6 hours
    b) 6-8 hours
    c) 8 or more hours
    d) I am a ghoster

    5- Do you often stay up late? Why? Please specify.
    a) Yes. To do some researches for my homework
    b) Yes. I surf on the net and play video games
    c) No. I go to bed in time every night.
    d) Other... (........................................................................)

    Elif GÖKARIK

    7- When you wake up and realize You are alone at home and just starving. What do you do?
    a) Have breakfast
    b) Have a sneak until lunch time
    c) Order something from outside
    d) Go to my buddy’s home
    e) Just tell myself to keep calm
    f) Call my mom immediately
    g) other (.…….…….................)
    8- How long do you use your toothbrush?
    a) max. 3 months
    b) at least 6 months
    c) 1 year
    d) since WWII

    9- Do you use chemicals when cleaning up the house?
    a) Yes.
    b) Sometimes
    c) Never

    Elif GÖKARIK

    7- When you wake up and realize You are alone at home and just starving. What do you do?
    a) Have breakfast
    b) Have a sneak until lunch time
    c) Order something from outside
    d) Go to my buddy’s home
    e) Just tell myself to keep calm
    f) Call my mom immediately
    g) other (.…….…….................)
    8- How long do you use your toothbrush?
    a) max. 3 months
    b) at least 6 months
    c) 1 year
    d) since WWII

    9- Do you use chemicals when cleaning up the house?
    a) Yes.
    b) No options.We have to.
    c) Never.
    d) Try to find less harmful ones

    10- How much do you weigh?
    a) slim / thin
    b) of medium weight
    c) plump / fat
    d) overweight

    11- Which one do you like most?
    a) Walking along the seaside
    b) Watching Tv on the sofa all day long
    c) Playing video games at home
    d) Going out to eat fast food
    e) Other (..........................................)

    Question lists from Jungwon Girls' Middle School, Seoul

    1. How many hours of sleep do you have a day?
    1) less than 6 hours 2) 7 to 8 hours 3) more than 8 hours
    2. How often do you use your computer or cell phone right before you sleep at night?
    1) always 2) sometimes 3) never
    3. How often do you choose to walk up the stairs instead of using elevators or escalators?
    1) always 2) sometimes 3) never
    4. How often do you eat vegetables in your meals?
    1) almost every day 2) 3 or 4 times a week 3) 1or 2 times a week 4) never

    Nagehan BAŞARAN , Turkey

    Which one of the following do you prefer eating?

    Nagehan BAŞARAN , Turkey

    How often do you eat out?


    1.How often do you eat chips?
    a. twice a week
    b. once a week
    c. every day
    d. never
    2. What's your favourite dish?

    Almassira Alkhdra High School- Morocco

    How often do you see a dentist?
    1. Once a year
    2. Twice a year
    3. More than 3 times a year
    4. Never

    How often do you eat at least 5 fruits and vegetables each day?
    1. Always
    2. Sometimes
    3. Rarely

    How many hours do you sleep per night?
    1. Less than 5 hours
    2. More than 7 hours

    Greece Arsakeia Tositseia Schools students

    1)Do you get 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week?

    C. Rarely
    D. Never

    2) Over the past month how many times have you visited a doctor because you were sick?

    B.a couple of times
    C. many times
    D. never

    3)How many “screen-time” hours do you have each day: TV, video
    games, sitting at the computer (not counting work and school)?

    A.30 minutes
    B. 1 hour
    C. 2-3 hours
    D. More than 4 hours

    4) On average, how many days a week do you eat a healthy breakfast?

    A. 1 day
    B. 3 days
    C. all days
    D. Never

    5) Do you often feel tired, fatigued, or sleepy during the daytime, even after a “good” night’s sleep?
