Sharing ideas

  • Erasmus.Outdoor Education in my school.doc

    At this time, at our local school in village Poljana, I'm using some ''outdoors'' ideas with my class:

    1. different activities in the circle (counting - multiplication and similar activities- e.g. we are learning counting to 10, someone in the circle starts counting (he/she has a ball,a bag or keys or something similar), they throw the ball and say ''8'', the one who gets it needs to say ''2'' (because 8+2 = 10) and similar variations for other things in Maths; 

    2. trust games (making friendships, positive attitude, better connection between pupils) - e. g. one pupil leads the other in different tasks (one of them is blindfolded) - he/she leads him through obstacles, then they change roles, one of them is a camera making different photos and the other is a cameraman who is preparing the camera for the photo, after that they ''develop'' the photos of nature on the paper with colors from the environment (green from glass, grey from mud - ground etc.);

    3. singing and dancing games for children in other languages (devoloping social, language and physical skills), e. g. I'm a Beaver;

    4. how to prepare a meal in the nature- baking bread with pupils (in a plastic bag we prepare the ingredients for bread for our pupils: flour, spices and dry yeast, than pupils add water and partially close the bag, ''mixing'' it together in the bag until they get a compact mass, then they put it on a warm place (inside their coat, T-shirt), after that, when the bread grows, they rip the bag and make it ''flat'', then they bake it in the open fire in big pans;

    5. the ''game'' of recognising the plants (trees) in our environment (conection with subjects:Croatian, English and German langugage, Nature, Music, Art and PE) - the name (in other languages also), what we generally know about it, explore it (my contribution here is the usage of IT - finding data on the Internet, in books, encyclopedias), making a poster, making music/sounds with the pieces of a certain tree (e.g. birch), making pictures from their leaves (making a composition of the leaves on the canvas, using a hammer for getting the print on the canvas) - everything is done in the movement.            



    Diary Example.docx


    Multisensory teaching techniques.pdf

    Outdoors education.ppt

    Emotional intelligence.pdf

    Phonomenon based learning.pdf

    Spiritual intelligence.pdf


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