Nature as a fantastic classroom for learning - Linkoping, Sweden

  • Nature really is the best classroom

    I attended the course called Outdoor Education - Nature as a Fantastic Classroom which took place in Brokind, Sweden from 23. August 2019. I was one of the 25 teachers from all over the world who were given an opportunity to take part in outdoor activities which can be done in all subjects, both in primary and secondary school. The activities can be done outside no matter the weather conditions and with the minimum of teaching materials. The special focus was on sensory and experiential learning, so the activities included preparing food in the nature, rowing, picking edible mushrooms, making music with materials found in the nature and dancing in different places, such as caves,  forests, meadows or near the lake. We were impressed with the way teachers prepare and motivate students to do different tasks. We also visited a Swedish school in the Kinda county where we had a chance to learn more about the Swedish educational system and their teachers working conditions. The school is attended by 300 students, and there are two headteachers. There are no more than 15 students in the class and they have two teachers at the same time, as well as  assistants. It was interesting for me to notice that they teach students to sew and woodwork. The benefits of the course were numerous, but I would like to emphasize a few:  learning about different educational systems and presenting our own, the exchange of ideas and experiences and various examples of good practice.


    I upload some pictures so enjoy!

                                                                                             Alojzija Tvorić Kučko