3-3 We make you an Italian

  • https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/38432f7e-4542-4823-9290-cb41cc3d1cbd

    HAVE FUN WITH THIS QUIZ ABOUT ITALY AND MODENA. (This is the Kahoot game we played on the first day of your stay in Italy).


    Enjoy this story about Saint Geminiano (the patron of Modena) and his miracle to save the town from Attila's attack.


    This is a timeline of the most important historical ages in italy, after the fall of the Roman Empire.


    This is a presentationabout the school system in Italy



    This is a Thinglink with some information about our monuments and landmarks.... ! Enjoy it .

    This is a video about our school... to get familiar with it! We are waiting for you!




    This is a padlet created by classes 2N and 2P about food and famous people from Modena



    With these two videos we are preparing all you need to know for your next mobility in Italy, GET READY !


    Class 2M while studying Europe has made  this poster about European rights.



    Here is the Padlet about our students...

     This is another padlet where Italian students have posted some Italian recipes... Enjoy it!