5-3 What does it mean to you to be European?

  • Here you can find information about the EU in brief.

    Leave your ideas on what the EU means to you on this canvas

    Here is just one opinion. To read more, check our canvas.

    Our first canvas has already been filled. You can read what 35 German and Italian students think about living in the European Union. 

    We have created another board for you to share your ideas with us.

    You can also contribute to the Thinglink image on European values.



    On 1st March, 2017 the European Commission presented a

    "White Paper on the Future of Europe".

    The paper covers the following possibilities:

    Scenario 1: Carrying On

    Scenario 2: Nothing but the Single Market

    Scenario 3: Those Who Want More, Do More

    Scenario 4: Doing Less, More Efficiently

    Scenario 5: Doing Much More Together

    We have carried out a survey among students. Do the results surprise you? What about conducting a survey in your country and sharing the results here?