First Aid

  • Hanne Nesheim Chhetri

    Askim videregående skole, Norway

    The main goal of the lessons is to prepare student for their future as health workers.  In the lessons, students are given knowledge and skills on how to examine and recognize symptoms of an acute illness or injuries to a person and to perform the basic first Aid and CPR if needed. They are also given the opportunity to practice and develop their communication skills required as competent health workers.

    General competencies developed during the lessons were cross-cultural competency, computational thinking, and design mindset.


    In the project “Learn it today to manage it tomorrow” one part of the lesson was put into practice, using digital devices and Nearpod. Nearpod is a student engagement platform designed for use in class. Nearpod is a good way for teachers to introduce a new topic where the teacher gets to interact with students and view students responses in real time, enabling students to take ownership of their learning rather than passively viewing a teacher directed whole-class presentation.


    The lesson was held for 5-6 students of the age of 15-16 at Collegi Sant Roc in Alcoy, Spain, in October 2019.  


    Learning materials used to prepare the lesson was based on the curriculum and textbooks related to the relevant vocational education. The main points were transferred to a Powerpoint which was then downloaded to a Nearpod account for adding activities.

    Examples of activities given in the Nearpod presentation: draw a situation that requires first aid, open ended questions and the last learning activity to sum up the understanding of the lesson was “Time to climb”. “Time to climb” is a multiple-choice quiz game that allows the students to see each other’s progress and at the end of the game they will see the students with the highest score on a podium.

    Students gave a positive feedback to the lesson. Even though they had experienced Nearpod before, their feedback on this lesson was that it was more playful and competitive then previous Nearpod lessons.

    As a teacher I like that Nearpod gives me the opportunity to interact with the students in a more active and joyful way then a normal teacher presentation would allow me too. It also enables me to see the students learning outcome by viewing the individual reports of the students at the end of the lesson.