Transmission of content and evaluation through Playposit

  • Rosa Sanchis

    Col·legi Sant Roc, Alcoy (Spain)


    Playposit is a interactive web-based video platform that allows educators to provide formative assessment both inside and outside the classroom. Teachers are able to embed quiz-type questions into videos on Youtube, Vimeo, Khan Academy and other popular video platforms. Data can then be analyzed on the individual or group level, provided powerful insight into educational trends in the classroom.

    The type of lesson that we talk is transmission of contents and avaluation and the general competencies developed during the lesson are Computacional thinking, Design mindset, transdiciplinarity ( TEC, ICT). In addition the digital study materials developed for the lesson are at

    The three main objectives of the lesson are to give Students benefit from an engaging and differentiated, computer-based experience, to use digital devices and testing and help the Students to achieve a whole-school alignment of blended learning.

    Concerning with the methodology, we consider the that the bulb is an interactive video created in PlayPosit. The steps we need to carry on are to transform any video into an active experience for students by embedding questions, images, audio, and other media elements; to add any of the premium question types to make your video engaging for students; and check the student participation and responses.

    The Analytics tab provides you with a broad overview on student performance including score, total time spent, and their progress across all bulbs assigned to the course.

    We can highlight three essential steps to be able to carry out a lesson with Previously, during the lesson, after lesson.

    A) PREVIOUSLY (teacher)

    At first, teachers must register as an instructor in this web, they can start to work on.

    1. Create a bulb and adding a video. In My Bulbs, click New Bulb to open the designer, Select You Tube, search for a video, select one, and click Done. Click the button labeled “Add and Interaction” to insert a question at your current playback timestamp. When you’re done adding your interaction’s text and answer options, click Done to save and close the interaction.

    2. Create a class and adding students. Click on Classes. Click Add new class, title it, and click save. Students enter Search code. Students individually log in to their Playposit accounts, click add class, and enter your instructor search code.

    3. Assigning bulbs. In My Bulbs, click the triple dots icon at the right for the bulb you want to use and click Assign. Select a due data for the class you want to assign this bulb to and click ok. You should get a green toast notification indicating that your bulb has been successfully assigned.

    4. Monitoring responses. Click Monitor for the specific class. You should see all of that class’s responses for this bulb.

    5. According to the premade Bulbs, we can filter all premade, classify by grade and topic., copy bulb and edit bulb.

    B) DURING LESSON (Students) This lesson was held in Slovenia with content from the area of technology that’s the reason why we choose “pulleys” from premade bulb for technology class. These are the steps for the students:

    In case of students, these are the steps that they must follow to work on

    1. Students must enter at and click STUDENT LOGIN in the main page.

    2. Then they notice that they just need to know the Room Name and click JOIN ROOM to begin, thus reducing the need for tedious registration process.

    3. Once they entered their names, clicking DONE will lead them to a page where they wait for the teacher to start the quiz (if he/she has not already done so).

    4. Use PREVIOUS and NEXT instead of FINISH QUIZ. Students can choose which to do first.

    5. When the teacher starts the quiz, the student will automatically see the question and an answer box. Depending on the type of quiz set eariler, the teacher has the flexibility of choosing the pace of the quiz. Remember to tell them to click FINISH QUIZ only after they are satisfied with their answers. A waiting screen will appear once they are done.

    6. Finally, toggle off to show on screen. Tick signifies student has finished quiz.

    C) AFTER LESSON (Teacher)

    1. On the teacher’s screen, he/she will be updated on the progress of all the students in real-time. This is a good chance for the teachers to either discreetly monitor or choose to show the class how they are doing so far.

    2. Once the time is up or when all have completed the task, click FINISH. You are now ready to generate your report. For now, Click on TO DASHBOARD to return to the homescreen.

    3. Check the number of students in room and turn on all to generate reports to give students, save soft copies and take note of date to get correct reports. Click on MANAGE QUIZZES as before and click on REPORTS. You are given many options of how you want to generate the reports.

    4. Finally, DOWNLOAD will save a zipped file into your hard drive, and a few sample of how they appear is in the next page.

    At the end, this lesson supposed a good feedback from teachers and students since they could see that they have increased their ability to teach and learn through newer methodologies.

    You could also use anywhere. So this enables its students to also use at home, on their own without needing help. The application is not just for use in schools. You can share with your students an Independent Practice that can be assigned as homework.