Teacher Discussions

  • What about your opinion about the project? Teacher discussion

    Discussion in Germany

    We had a final discussion with all colleagues who have participated in the project.

    TS organisation
    Discussion in Barcelona

    In our school we have made a very positive assessment of the project. We think it's a good way to raise awareness about the importance of having healthy habits and good nutrition. We are very concerned when we hear some students say that they do not have breakfast at home or take any food during the morning. That is why we think it is significative that our students know the importance of good nutrition based on healthy foods. We also believe that it is a very good opportunity for our students to learn more about our neighbors in Europe, about their eating habits but we also value very positively the interaction that has been generated with students from schools of other countries.

    Discusion in Poland

    In our school I have shown my work for younger teachers. We think that working in the project was a good way to raise awerness about the importance of having good habits. And what was the most important working in a project motivated young people to learn foreign languages. Now they know that using English may give them many opportunities to know more and more about other peple and countries. Lessons with the project were more interesting. The forgot about obstacles, they were determinated to communicate and send informatiou using words or pictures. Iwona (Poland)

    Discussion in Turkey

    We had a discussion on the topic