First Transnational Project Meeting

  • The Kozgazdasagi Politechnikum Alternativ Gimnazium held the first Transnational Meeting in Budapest, Hungary from 17 to 19 October 2019.








    Here is the report of the first Transnational Meeting :



    1. Logo

    Students from each school will be asked to design the logo of the project. Each school will choose the best one. After the selection, the logo from each school will be sent to the Czech school,  where an art teacher from this school will combine all of them in order to produce the final logo of the project.

    All schools should send the logo until 10 November and the Czech school should produce the final one until 20 November in agreement with the coordinator of the project.

    After the creation, the partners will undertake the responsibility of its dissemination.


    1. 1st eTwinning sub – project “Religious buildings”


    In the first semester we will create the eTwinning sub – project “Religious buildings”

    There is a page in the Twinspace which is called “Religious buildings” where we will present religious buildings.

    Students will study the religious buildings in their area : cathedrals, churches, chapels, monasteries, synagogues, mosques and so on.

    They will categorize them according to chronological order and architectural style.

    So, they will create a file of the religious buildings which will contain information about them and photos. This file will be uploaded to the Twinspace as pdf and ppt files.

    Finally, this work will be presented in a workshop in the first mobility in Italy. Each school will have about ten minutes to present its work .


    1. Leaflet

    Each school will create a leaflet or more leaflets in order to promote the religious buildings (neglected or abandoned monuments) from each area.

    The size of the leaflets can vary.

    We will present the leaflets during a workshop in the mobility in France.


    1. School Journal

    In the first year of the project we will create two issues of the school Magazine.

    The school Magazine will be called ARCH.

    The Italian and Hungarian schools will be responsible for the publication of the first issue until the 15/02/2020.

    The French school will be responsible for the publication of the second issue until the end of August 2020.





    1. 2nd eTwinning sub – project “Art & Religion”

    In the second semester we create the eTwinning sub – project “Art & Religion”.

    According to the 2nd eTwinning sub – project, there is a page in the Twinspace which is called “Art & Religion” where we will present religious Art.

    This may involve paintings or icon-painting, religious music, different architectural norms, furnishings, monuments, sculptures, silver, libraries.

    In order to present them, students will create videos that will be musically enriched by traditional religious music.

    Also, they will create pdf and ppt files which will be uploaded in the Twinspace.

    Finally, this work will be presented in a workshop in the second mobility in France. Each school will have about ten minutes to present its work .


    1. Religious Route Application


    Each school will have two options. The first is to hire a company that will undertake the responsibility to map the Route. The second option is to buy the equipment (a GPS) in order to be used by students


    This application can be used free by everyone in order to find information about the Religious Heritage from each area.


    The program funds only seventy five per cent (75%) of the total cost and we have 2000 Euros for this exceptional cost. The rest amount (25% which is about 665 Euros) should be funded by other resources.


    We will present the Religious Route Application during a workshop in the fifth mobility in Greece.


    1. Conferences

    Each school will organize a conference in the end of the first year in order to disseminate results of the project.


    1. Structure of Twin space

    All partners agreed to the structure of Twin space.

    The coordinator will create this structure in Twin space and each partner will upload the produced material on it.


    1. Blog

    All partners agreed to create a Blog to support and promote the achieved outcomes of the activities that will take place during the project.


    The coordinator will be responsible for it and he will take the produced materials from twinspace in order to upload them in the Blog.


    The Blog will have the agreed structure.


    1. Group Face book and Instagram

    We created a group Face Book which is called ARCH and we will create an Instagram account.


    1.  Google Drive.

    We created a Google account in order to have access to Google Drive, Gmail and You Tube where we can upload our videos.

    We should upload all videos to our You Tube channel and then we can embed them to other sites, such as Twinspace, and Face Book.

    Moreover, we will share a common folder at the Drive which will be called “Results” where all partners will upload everything they think necessary for validation and publication by the “Erasmus+ Project Results Platforms”.


    1. Assessment
    1. Mobilities

    Each school which hosts a mobility either Join staff event or students exchange has the responsibility :

    1. to organize a questionnaire about this mobility (organization, learning, satisfaction, suggestions etc) in Google Form and issue the graphs.
    2. to  create a report about this mobility.

    For the first mobility, the Hungarian school will issue the above by the middle of November.


    1. Project’s objectives

    We should assess them creating :

    1. questionnaires at the start of each semester according to the eTwinning sub – project in order to understand what they know.

    Specifically, we should create questionnaires for 1st the Religious Buildings and 2nd the Religious Art which will contain questions for each dogma and religion.

    Consequently, each partner will contribute with 2 or 3 questions.

    They will send questions by 20 November 2019 for the first semester and by the end of February 2020 for the second semester.

    1. Every host school should create papers after each mobility (Join staff event and students exchange) which students will fill in order to assess the gained knowledge on specific issues.


    1. Impact

    The impact’s assessment will involve :

    1. Each school will organize a photo exhibition about Religious Buildings from its region for the first semester and an art exhibition about Religious Art for the second semester.
    2. interviews with students and other participants.



    1. Dissemination

    Each school will be responsible for the dissemination of the project in its country by the ways which were agreed in the meeting.

    1. Second Mobility in Italy

    The second mobility in Italy will be held from 01 December 2019 to 07 December 2019.

    The Italian school will be responsible for this mobility.

    The coordinator of the Italian school will be responsible to inform the other partners about their expenses and the school will provide an attestation about these.

    We will use the EUROPASS certification.



    1. Third Mobility in France

    The third mobility in France will be held from 29 March 2020 to 04 April 2020.

    The French school will be responsible for this mobility.

    The coordinator of the French school will be responsible to inform the other partners about their expenses and the school will provide an attestation about these.

    We will use the EUROPASS certification.