Second Online Transnational Project Meeting

  • The second Transnational project meeting was online in June and September 2021 because of pandemic.




    Here is the report of the transnational project meeting and the new calendar of our project:



    Creation of a leaflet in order to promote the historical/religious buildings of each area, especially the neglected or abandoned ones. It will include information about the history, culture, natural environment and tourism around the sights of religious interest.

    School journal

    A biannual school e-journal, summarizing all implemented activities, hosting pictures and articles of the students about religious heritage and their experience in the program. The Italian and Hungarian schools will be responsible for the publication of the first issue. The French school will be responsible for the publication of this second issue.

    2nd eTwinning sub – project “Art & Religion”

    We will study and present religious art. This may involve paintings or icon-painting, religious music, different architectural norms, furnishings, monuments, sculptures, frescoes, silver, vestments, libraries. In order to present them, students will create videos with photos taken during the semester and will be musically enriched by traditional religious music.

    Religious Route Application

    With the vision of the economic and touristic growth of the areas around the local Religious heritage, we will create an application (Religious Route) describing the religious buildings and giving information to visitors of each area about the religious heritage. It will be written in English and the media used will be software.

    Exceptional costs : 2000 Euros

     In order to perform the Activity P8 of the project which is related to the mapping of the Religious Route and the creation of a map application, it is necessary to have a specific equipment and to have specialized knowledge about programming for Android or ios. To be clear, we need a portable GPS and an appropriate software. Due to the fact that all the members of the project are school organizations, it is impossible to have this kind of technological equipment. and this specialized knowledge. It is apparent that the students will write down all the interesting elements that involve the religious route but they don't have the ability to map them and to create an application for smartphones.

    So, we are proposing the cofounding of the specific activity. We are asking to hire a company that will undertake the responsibility to map the routes (or to buy the appropriate equipment in order to be used by students themselves) and create the application . This would improve the students' skills through their work with modern technological equipment and programs.


    3rd eTwinning sub – project “Religious traditions/ Festivals

    Students will make a survey on the traditions and religious festivals of their region/religion. They will study and present them to the other partners. At the same time, they can find religious stories or traditions that indicate lack of “religious spirit” such as “the burning of Judas”. Taking into consideration the stories/traditions students will be called to create stories in transnational groups. This will give students the chance to cooperate, exchange ideas and sensitize them promoting empathy and solidarity.


    A story book

    Creation of a book of stories related to cultural/religious traditions/festivals. This will give students the chance to cooperate, exchange ideas and be sensitized promoting empathy and solidarity.

    4th  eTwinning sub – project ““Religious and Social issues

    We will deal with issues having to do with religion and society. There will be given various issues of study which each school can choose from. Students can do survey either bibliographical or by questionnaires or interviews on their theme. When this is done, they will present the results and their suggestions to the local communities and the partners through semi – conferences, articles and the school journal. This activity will enhance dialogue between partners and exchange of ideas.

    A digital album

    Creation of a digital album in memory of the project.





    September 21

    Start of the third semester of project.


    • 3rd eTwinning sub – project “Religious traditions/ Festivals :

    In this semester students will make a survey on the traditions and religious festivals of their region/religion. They will study and present them to the other partners. At the same time, they can find religious stories or traditions that indicate lack of “religious spirit” such as “the burning of Judas”. Taking into consideration the stories/traditions, students will be called to create stories in transnational groups. This will give students the chance to cooperate, exchange ideas and sensitize them promoting empathy and solidarity.


    P8 With the vision of the economic and touristic growth

              of the areas around the local Religious heritage, we will create an APPLICATION (Religious Route) describing the religious buildings and giving information to visitors of each area about the religious heritage. It will be written in English and the media used will be software.

    We will present the Religious Route Application during a workshop in the mobility in Greece.

    11 – 15 October 2021

    (+2 travel days)

    C3 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils “Interculturalism in a secular country”.


    Student workshops :

    1. Leaflets according to P7 (creation of a leaflet in order to promote the historical/religious buildings of each area, especially the neglected or abandoned ones.)
    2. Religious Art according to 2nd eTwinning sub – project “Art & Religion” (This may involve paintings or icon-painting, religious music, different architectural norms, furnishings, monuments, sculptures, silver, libraries. In order to present them, students will create videos that will be musically enriched by traditional religious music.)


    October 21

    • Completion of the 2nd eTwinning sub – project “Art & Religion” from the second semester :

    According to the 2nd eTwinning sub – project, there is a      page in the Twinspace which is called “Art & Religion” where we will present religious Art.


    P9The second issue of biannual school e-journal, summarizing all implemented activities, hosting pictures and articles of the students about religious heritage and their experience in the program. The French school will be responsible for the publication of this second issue.

    November 21

    P12 Creation of a book of stories related to     cultural/religious traditions/festivals. This will give students the chance to cooperate, exchange ideas and be sensitized promoting empathy and solidarity.


    06 – 10 December 21

    (+2 travel days)

    C5 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils “Orthodox Art & Tradition”.


    Student workshops :


    1. Religious stories/traditions according to P12


    1. Religious Route Application




    December 21

    P11The third issue of biannual school e-journal, summarizing all implemented activities, hosting pictures and articles of the students about religious heritage and their experience in the program. The Greek and Turkish schools will be responsible for the publication of this third issue.



    January 21

    Start of the last semester of project.


    • 4th eTwinning sub – project “Religious and Social issues :

    In this semester we will deal with issues having to do with religion and society. There will be given various issues of study which each school can choose from. Students can do survey either bibliographical or by questionnaires or interviews on their theme. When this is done, they will present the results and their suggestions to the local communities and the partners through semi – conferences, articles and the school journal. This activity will enhance dialogue between partners and exchange of ideas.

    28 March – 01 April 2022

    (+2 travel days)

    C6 Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils “The birthplace of Protestantism”.


    Student workshops :


    1. Religious and social issues
    2. I suggest to create a digital story (video) concerning one of the above issues.

    11 – 14

    May 2022

    (+2 travel days)

    C4 Short-term joint staff training events “Meeting the Islamic heritage”.





    May 22

    P13 The last issue of biannual school e-journal, summarizing all implemented activities, hosting pictures and articles of the students about religious heritage and their experience in the program. The

              Czech school will be responsible for the publication of this last issue.

    P14 National conferences according to the timetable and semi - conferences in the partners' countries at the end of the second year in order to disseminate the results of the project and sensitize the local communities on the religious heritage and its benefits towards sustainable development.

    P15 The second transnational meeting will be held by

    videoconference or by physical mobility. During this meeting our goal is to assess the project and analyze the impact it had on our students and other participants, target groups, stakeholders. So, we will have the opportunity for a self - assessment. Finally, we will refer to the insurance of the project dissemination in each partner country and we will

    talk about how we will sustain the results of the program through specific activities. At this point we will start talking about the final assessment of the project taking into consideration the goal performance, the impact, obstacles, opportunities for improvements and long term impact.

    June 22

    P16 Creation of a digital album in memory of the project.

    August 22

    • We create the final report.