My Eating Habits (survey)

  • This survey was implemented during homeschooling and had the aim to encourage healthy eating habits and motivate students in raising self-awareness of their eating habits by helping to connect to their eating experience and be more conscious of the food they are eating.

    The survey was applied in different classes in the 4 schools. 

    The graph results were analysed, discussed and compared  in different classes - Science, Maths, English and Citizenship - curricular integration

    Science - Relate healthy eating with the prevention of contemporary diseases, recognising the importance of the Mediterranean diet in health promotion

    Maths - Statistic

    English / Citizenship -  Healthy eating habits; sustainability




    1. Nationality
    2. Gender
    3. How many meals do you eat a day?
    4. Eating habits
    5. How often do you skip breakfast?
    6. What do you mostly have for breakfast?
    7. What is your daily food intake frequency of the following food categories?
    8. What kind of meat do you often eat?
    9. What type of meal or meals do you eat most often??
    10. Which food do you like best?
    11. How often do you eat fast food?
    12. Do you think that fast food is healthy?
    13. Is fast food tasty?
    14. When you are given the choice to eat fast food or healthy food, you choose healthy food
    15. What describes your diet best?
    16. What do you think about your diet?
    17. How much do you care about maintaining a healthy diet?
    18. Is there anything you could do to make the way you eat healthier?
    19. Who usually cooks in your family?
    20. Do you like cooking?
    21. Where does your family buy most of the food?
    22. What type of food does your family preferentially buy?
    23. Which aspects mainly conditions your choices about food?
    24. Where do you get most information on food and diet?
    25. What do you think about wasting food?
    26. Your attitude while you are eating
    27. Do you know any traditional dish from the following countries?