

    Lope de Vega is a school located in Leganés (Madrid), which is a village with around 200.000 habitants in the centre of Spain. It has 28 teachers and around 400 students who are between 3 and 12 years old.
    The school´s diverse students work together to create an atmosphere of tolerance.
    Moreover, it has a project to raise environmental awareness called "Ecoescuela". 
    The school is very active and compromised with inclusion and innovation. There is a very cohesive and efficient team of teachers with a blend of youthfulness, experience and enthusiasm. Inclusion is a priority and teachers try to make it effective using ICT and new methodologies such as flipped learning or cooperative learning.
    The main goal of Lope de Vega school is to guide students in all aspects of life so they can be prepared as citizens of the XXI century. Teachers´ main focus is creating well-rounded individuals. 


    Here you can find all the information about the Spain participation on the project "Music to all" project.