1st SEMESTER.- Las Fallas in Valencia

  • Getting started with the first semester!

    1st training staff course about Europeana

    Venue: IES Dr. Lluis Simarro (Xàtiva)

    Date: from 21/09/2019 to 24/09/2019




    Four learning scenarios to apply in the classroom!

    Four days working together in a short-term staff joint training event!

    Look at these photos!

    We will apply the learning scenarios in our schools. Then, in January, we will share the results in the first STLA with our students.

    More photos are coming from European Schoolnet!

    Enjoy it!


    Learning outcomes first staff training course.

    Here are four learning scenarios to be implemented in both educational centers.






    Learning Scenario Implementation

    An example of a real implementation. Conclusions drawn after implementation.



    Learning scenario - Philosophy subject 

    Philosophy Learning Scenario Europeana.pdf

    Learning from the past: The transition from the myth to the logos.

    The aim of this learning scenario was to investigate the Philosophy’s history looking for the main philosophers since the ancient greek history.

    To start, we have studied the context of the presocratics, Plato and Aristotle and their contribution to the science.This period of the ancient history of the Philosophy has been explained previously using different resources.

    After that, students have done the activity Who is who: ‘The school of Athens’, searching more information about the figures who appear at the Raphael’s masterpiece and using online resources.

    Then, they had to create digital presentations and infographics with Prezi or Canvas sharing the digital presentations related with the contents studied at the digital platform Padlet created by the teacher.

    Finally, during the Erasmus+ week (13th-17th January 2020) celebrated at the IES Lluís Simarro Lacabra located in Xàtiva (Spain), Philosophy’s students explained their work to the rest of the class, including the German students from the Ulrichsgymnasium of Norden.

    At the end of the class, we reviewed the content explained watching a ten minutes video with the most important information about the School of Athens.

    To conclude, students used their mobile advices to join a Kahoot game which consisted in ten questions with multiple choice answers related with the School of Athens.     




    Learning Scenario- Scientific Culture Subject


    This learning scenario had been prepared by the scientific culture students in advance.


    On the one hand, the students were looking for pictures about global warming and their effects. And with this, they created a presentation.

    On the other hand, when German students were in our classroom, our pupils showed their presentation to them, and then they did a game to remember the specific vocabulary. Finally, they worked in mixed groups of four to talk about the difference between the two countries in the way to fight against the climate change, as governmental measures or recycling methods or renewable energies. From their point of view, the interaction part was the most interesting.


    Learning Scenario - In the music lesson!

    The students of 4t have been responsible for making the soundtrack for the projection on climate change that was to accompany the exhibition of Acro. As proposed in the activity.

    Each student from the audio files of the INTEF image bank (http://recursostic.educacion.es/bancoimagenes/web/) had to produce a soundtrack of between 4 and 5 minutes.

    For their part, the high school students have been responsible for editing the video based on presentations made by the biology students and on the soundtrack made by the 4th ESO students.

    You can see the final result here!


    First STLA Assessment

    Tell us, please, about the training activity carried out in Xàtiva. It will only take you ten minutes!

    Google Forms
