3rd SEMESTER.-Corpus Christi Xàtiva

  • STLA_Xàtiva_agenda


    Webquest to give some background to German students on the week ahead

    Webquest_1 (2).pdf





    And the winners are...

    Kahoot podium



    Art and Treasures at the Xàtiva Town Hall

    The reception of the mayor of Xàtiva in the town hall is one of the activities that help to recognise the great importance of this type of educational projects in the formation of citizens.


    Padlet to collaborate highlighting the work done in Norden last May



    Made with Padlet

    Artistic activities at the centre

    Among the activities carried out at the centre, the learning of the "dansa del paloteig", which is part of the Corpus Christi festival, and the preparation of the acrogymnastics figures for the final performance stand out.


    Both activities exemplify the active collaboration of the two schools involved in the project.



    Short-term learning activity assessment

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