ACTIVITY 8B: French "I have a dream" speeches

  • In June 2019, French students were also busy with exploring the life and activities of the author of the famous phrase - "I have a dream!" Below, you can see the students' thoughts inspired by Martin Luther King's words. Students prepared a TwinBoard with their posts. 

    June 2019: I  HAVE A DREAM TOO!

    The French highers also worked on the American Civil Rights in the USA.

    After studying the structure of Martin Luther King's speech, they decided to write their own speech to defend a cause.  Here are a few examples of their dreams!


    Men and women equality

    I have a dream that women and men will be equal.
    I have a dream that women will be paid the same as men because they are more paid than women and I think that it's unfair !
    I have a dream that men will have less prejudice on women.
    I have a dream today!
    By Hanâ & Morgane

    Men and women equality

    I have a dream, that one day women will earn the same salary as men for the same job, so men won't earn more money than women.
    I have a dream that one day men and women will have the same rights.
    I have a dream, that one day, women will have the same job opportunities as men.
    I have a dream, that one day, female teams will have the same sponsors as male teams and the same salary for the same sport.
    I have a dream today !
    By Léa and Manon.

    Men and women equality

    I have a dream that one day women will be equal to men.
    I have a dream, that one day, women and men won't have prejudice on one another.
    I have a dream, that one day, women will be paid the same as men at work.
    I have a dream, that one day, men and women will have the same rights.
    I have a dream, that one day, women and men will have the same responsabilities in companies.
    I have a dream today !
    By Nélia and Dina

    Men and women equality

    I have a dream that women will have the same salary as men.
    I have a dream that women will have the same job opportunities as men.
    I have a dream that sporty women teams will be broadcast as broadly as men teams.

    I HAVE A DREAM TODAY !!!!!!!

    Solène and Samia.

    Men and women equality

    I have a dream that sponsors will support female sports as much as male sports.
    I have a dream, that one day, men coaches will judge little girls' ability with in the same fairness as for little boys.

    by Matéo and Yohann

    Animal protection

    I have dream, that one day, animals won't be killed for being eaten.
    I have dream, that one day, we won't kill animals just for our sake.
    I have a dream, that one day, all slaughterhouses won't brutalise animals anymore.
    I have dream, that one day, people will eat less meat.
    I have dream, that one day, slaughterhouses will be more respectful to animals.
    I have dream today !

    by Ewen and Nora

    Protecting animals

    I have a dream that one day people will stop killing animals to make fur and leather clothes.
    I have a dream that one day animals won't suffer from slaughters anymore.
    I have a dream that one day people will no longer kill whales to make makeup.
    I have a dream today !

    By Cherynne and Tiffany


    I have a dream, that one day I will live in a world without pollution.
    I have a dream, I will live in a world that would be 100% natural with 100% of renewable energy.
    I have a dream, that one day, people will no longer pollute the beach.
    I have a dream, that one day, the Antarctic will stop melting so that snowmen could live in peace !

    By Saad and Pierre - The BEST EVER !!!

    Protecting biodiversity !

    I have a dream, that one day, people will protect biodiversity.
    I have a dream, that one day, industry will no longer use pesticide.
    I have a dream, that one day, cars will use renewable energy.
    I have a dream, that one day, people will create animal parks to protect endangered species.
    I have a dream today !

    By Mathis and Rafik

    Equality between women and men

    I have a dream that one day women will earn more money that men.
    I have a dream that one day men will have less prejudice on women.
    I have a dream today !

    By Nathan and Sheridan

    Orphan children

    I have a dream that one day no children will sleep in the streets.

    By Sonia and Sajida

    Environmental Sustainability

    I have a dream that one day, people will throw away less rubbish.
    I have a dream that one day,children will think more about the planet.
    I have a dream that one day, people will throw their waste in the appropriate trash bin.
    I have a dream to live in a better world !

    By Charlyne and Javier