RFID card reader

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  • Digital Identity RFID card reader

    (Garcia Maxime)


    Today, we have done a new workshop called "RFID card reader".

    Here, you can see the module with all the connections. There is the famous arduino card (on the right) connected to the computer with an USB plug. On the left, we can see a student putting a badge next to the RFID card.

    The goal of this workshop was to read the information of the badge.

    Below, you can see the Arduino program :

    The RFID Card is absolutely magic because we also managed to read the information of Bus card, Canteen card and Credit card !!!

    We also managed to change the Led's colour with different badge. In fact, each badge match with a colour !!

    Here is the result :

    We really enjoyed doing this amazing new workshop and it will be a pleasure to present it during Livet Projects day !

    Below, you can find a slideshow and a report about this workshop !!!



                                                                                             Maxime Garcia 2nde8