QR code scan Androïd Application

  • On wednesday morning we have made our own Androïd application to use our smartphone to scan any QR code.

    First, each one has to create a QR code from the URL of his own TWINSPACE digital identity form page...

    App inventor is an online tool to create your Androïd application.

    Everybody have worked very hard and have shared advices :)

    Everybody succeed to upload his own application in his device or in some Livet's tablets.

    The code works with only two objects :

    One test when a click event occur on the Button => starting of the scan process

    One test after the end of the scan process => display of the text message embedded in the QRcode.

    Here the message is the URL of each student TWINSPACE digital identity form.

    We have finished this workshop with an music performance from Hélène.

    Il was a very great moment...