Stereotypes about our countries

  • Have a look at what our students did, and start discussing about the different stereotypes concerning different European countries!

    Stereotypes about Romania

    Watch the video the Romanian team prepared to discuss different stereotypes about their country. Then have your say!

    Facts, Figures and Stereotypes - kick-off

    The students had creative challenge to begin the Handbook: the classes were divided into groups, the students were given a map of Europe and the title “Do you really know Europe? Test your knowledge!” Each group had 30 minutes to develop the best idea/challenge to start the Handbook using only what they were given.
    Students then recorded a Pitch in English with their creative idea (2-3 minutes each team) and the teachers choose the best one. The best Pitch will be uploaded to Etwinning.

    Mind Map - How other European countries see Portugal

    Stereotypes and Prejudices: Students discussed and chose 3 stereotypes or prejudices that other countries think about Portugal and Portugueses (How do other European countries see us?). For that, students filled in a mind map.

    Do you think these are real?

    3. A map of the common stereotypes and prejudices about Romanians

    Do you think these are real?

    2. A map of the common stereotypes and prejudices about Romanians

    Do you think these are real?

    1. A map of the most common stereotypes about Romanians

    Stereotypes about Italy

    True or False? let's find out together! (pdf version of the same file uploaded above as an image, this one is easier to read).

    Stereotypes about Italy

    True or False? Let's find out together!

    Debunking stereotypes about Italy

    Watch this video from the Italian Trade Agency and find out some unknown facts about Italy! The ITCG Fermi Team

    Stereotypes about Southern Italy

    Watch the video about stereotypes made by the italian team from Portici!

    Stereotypes about Italy

    Here is a poster the German students did

    Stereotypes about Romania

    By the German students

    Stereotypes about Manchester

    a poster made by the German students

    Stereotypes about Portugal

    a poster made by the German students