Activity 10: Escape room

  •  A global project deserves a worldwide activity where schools from all over the world can participate.

    That is why we have created this first worldwide digital Escape Room. An online game in which participants must solve questions about the project partners, their countries, their culture or some characteristic features.

    For this, each partner proposes a question about their own country. In addition, we want it to be something global and we have included 4 questions that have to do with The Sustainable Development Goals finally, if the participants overcome those questions, they will have a code to access a final game with questions about the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

    A global game with questions from around the world, for participants from around the world.

    Why do the activity – To summarize what students have learnt in an interesting and unique way.

    The activity was done in: May-June.


    In this link we explain how to register and the form:

    Link to the Registration form.





    The global Digital Escape room in .Sing up in ,instructions in in 4 days.....500 students,15 countries, 35 schools involved, don´t miss it!!


    And on 5th June, we opened the game to everyone¡¡

    First information to participants:

    Dear participants:

    Thank you for signing up for the 2019 Digital Escape Room "Making friends around the World"
    Up to this moment, there are 60 schools registered, 800 students and 21 differents countries around the world!!! Thank you!!!

    You can register until 5th June. On the 8th June, the game will be closed. 

    Here are some aspects that will help clarify any doubts:

    The Escape Room is an online game, so students will need a computer or tablet per group.

    Remember the names of your groups because they will be written in challenge 6 and in the final Quizziz.

    There will be challenges that will require participants to have paper and a pen, or a student form which we will send you.

    The game will be activated on June 5th at 8:00h ( CET, Central European Time). It will be accessed from a link that we will send you.

    The game is composed of 12 challenges, with videos of approximately 3 minutes and a question about the video. The answer to the question will always be a number.
    Other challenges are an online puzzle, investigate a question, make a brief questionnaire, or read a short digital article.
    Each challenge has a number as a solution.
    You can check if the number is correct, by entering it in the padlock, if the green colour comes out, it means you have entered the correct number!!!
    To get to the final Quizizz, you need to know all those numbers and do a mathematical operation to access the final secret.

    Once you have finished the final Quizziz, you will get your digital badge of participation in the Escape room.
    We encourage you and your students to record your experience in the game, in the final Flipgrid and later you can share your badge in social networks with the hashtag #ERMakingfriends 
    Thank you for being part of this global success and good luck to everyone!

    Every day more registrations, more countries, more students, a worldwide success!!

    Thanks to 34 Countries:

    Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech republic, Estonia, France, Georgia, Germany, Guatemala, Hungary, India, Italy, Macedonia(Republicof), Mexico, Moldova, Montenegro, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, Spain, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine, United States of America (USA).

    Thanks to 2250 students

    Thanks to 155 schools

    Participants received their certificates at the end of the activity, for teachers and teams and digital badge:


    Students from Villa del Prado enjoying the Escape Room
    Students from Merida, playing the Escape Room.
  • Teachers from Guatemala

    Teachers from Guatemala learning with eTwinning

    Teachers from Guatemala, learning to use technologies in their classrooms, thanks to the motivation to participate in the eTwinning Escape room, directed by Manuel Rodas, MIE Expert microsoft


    International feedback Global Escape Room

    World Location

    Smore has detected 129 locations of schools that have participated in the global Escape Room¡¡